Empowering lives through compassionate support

Loyalty Care Services, Inc. provides professional direct support services and 24-hour residential care to adults aged 21 and above with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services are offered in a family-styled home setting in Maryland.

Our goal is to provide family-style housing where clients live as a family with care providers and are integrated into the community. Residents will participate in numerous community activities every week. We explore available services that will benefit our clients within the community to enrich their socialization and developmental skills. In addition to these, our clients will participate in group activities and outings on weekends and holidays.

woman with a kid

Our mission is to be the unwavering beacon of hope and support for adult individuals with developmental disabilities. We are dedicated to enriching their lives, nurturing their unique abilities, and fostering a sense of belonging within a compassionate community. Through our heartfelt commitment, we aim to empower each person we serve, helping them embrace their full potential and thrive with dignity and independence. Together, we create a brighter tomorrow, one filled with acceptance, inclusion, and boundless possibilities.


Loyalty Care Services, Inc. seeks to build a legacy of positive change, where our commitment to providing exceptional care and support transforms lives and paves the way for brighter, more inclusive communities. We envision a future where every individual, regardless of their abilities, is embraced by a community that values their unique contributions and empowers them to thrive.

Ready to embark on a journey of compassionate care and support? Contact us today and let’s start this empowering journey together.